(216)581-2448 [email protected]

Church Leadership


Pastor Vikki Pruitte-Sorrells

Rev. Vikki Pruitte-Sorrells, M. S., M. A.


Lee Heights Community Church

Cleveland, Ohio


Rev. Vikki Pruitte-Sorrells is a native of Cleveland, Ohio and an ordained minister of the Word of the Mennonite Church of Ohio. Affectionally known as Pastor Vikki she has been a constant servant to the Church as Presiding Elder, Elder, Associate Pastor and a board member of the Ohio Conference of the Mennonite Church Board. For Mennonite Church USA and the Ohio Conference of the Mennonite Church. Pastor Vikki has served on the Leadership Team for the Peace & Justice Support Network, the Ministry Development Leadership Team for the Ohio Conference, and  as a Damascus Road Anti-Racism facilitator.


As a part of her personal calling and ministry, she is the Pastor at Lee Heights Community Church.

Pastor Vikki’s personal mission is to serve God by helping others to “grow their relationship with God” in order to acquire personal peace.

Pastor Vikki is the wife of Mark R Sorrells; the mother of Kamaal and Cynthia; the daughter of the late Robert and late Fannie R. Pruitte and a friend and sister of Christ to many. 

Our Church Elders

Sacara Miller, Presiding Elder

Gregory Battle

Nathan Beachy

Lorsonja Moore

Al Anthony, Elder Emreitus